The OPEN PAGE is a blog written by teens in Mariposa County, located in the Western Sierra Mountains of Central California. Please include your full name and age with your submission.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Dear Jesse

Dear Jesse: I am a big fan of “Dear Jesse.” I read it every day, even if a new edition hasn‘t been posted. I have always wanted to get a letter answered in “Dear Jesse,” so I have a question. How urgent does my situation need to be to get my letter answered?
-Number One Fan in the Middle of Nowhere

Dear Number One Fan: I don’t have a specific level of urgency necessary for a letter to be answered. I simply answer the most urgent few of the letters I have, with the most urgent of all first.

Dear Jesse:
My friend thinks that potato chips are too crunchy, and that purple isn't a very good color, and that tires can't be inflated enough, and that the Open Page teen blog at is the best website ever. Should I agree with him?
-Unsure in (location unknown)

Dear Unsure: Stay neutral on the subject, except for the part about the Open Page. You should agree with your friend about that.

> “Dear Jesse,” written by Jesse Exum, sometimes appears on Thursdays. Please don’t write to him, because the whole thing is completely fictional.

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