Dear Jesse
Dear Jesse: I am a big fan of “Dear Jesse.” I read it every day, even if a new edition hasn‘t been posted. I have always wanted to get a letter answered in “Dear Jesse,” so I have a question. How urgent does my situation need to be to get my letter answered?
-Number One Fan in the Middle of Nowhere
Dear Number One Fan: I don’t have a specific level of urgency necessary for a letter to be answered. I simply answer the most urgent few of the letters I have, with the most urgent of all first.
Dear Jesse: My friend thinks that potato chips are too crunchy, and that purple isn't a very good color, and that tires can't be inflated enough, and that the Open Page teen blog at is the best website ever. Should I agree with him?
-Unsure in (location unknown)
Dear Unsure: Stay neutral on the subject, except for the part about the Open Page. You should agree with your friend about that.
> “Dear Jesse,” written by Jesse Exum, sometimes appears on Thursdays. Please don’t write to him, because the whole thing is completely fictional.
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