Sunrise in Yosemite by Darren Shull
As I watch the night turns to day, The darken sky turn a bluish-
Silhouettes of mountain and trees, Are the only things at this time
you can see. Then an orange glow on the horizon appear, As the
stars slowly disappear. The meadow glistens in the morning light,
Like the start once did that earlier that night. Herd of deer graze
on the dew covered grass, As they drink from a river that is clear
as glass. Wild flowers of all kind, In colors that will blow your
mind. Just beyond the meadow stands Lambert Dome, Where
the yellow belly marmot makes his home. There he will be
sunning himself in the sun’s rays, Before he goes and hides the
rest of the day. People come from world wide, Just to hike it
country side. From the majestic water falls in the valley below, To
the high mountain peaks covered in snow. From the giant
redwood trees to Hetch Hetchy, You will scarcely find a prettier
place to be, Than a sunrise in Yosemite.
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