The OPEN PAGE is a blog written by teens in Mariposa County, located in the Western Sierra Mountains of Central California. Please include your full name and age with your submission.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Jesse's Jokes

By Jesse Exum

What do you call a boat with a lot of room?
~A space ship.

What do you call a check used to pay off a house?
~A realty check.

What's 486 x 12,957?
~A math problem.

What do you do when Nate needs a change?

What do you call an intimidated bird?
~A yellow-bellied flinch.

What's promotion?
~The way professionals move.

What do you call a spineless, rude kid?
~An invertebrat.

What's the most athletic element?

What does an artist do when he wants an audience?
~He draws a crowd.

What do you call a rollerblade on sale?
~A cheapskate.

What did the car say to the train?
~"I'm tired."

Who would want a knuckle sandwich?
~A cannibal.

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