The OPEN PAGE is a blog written by teens in Mariposa County, located in the Western Sierra Mountains of Central California. Please include your full name and age with your submission.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


By Nita Vigil

You ask where I am now.
I am here right by your side.
Had I been anywhere else
Your screams would be justified.

You say I do not care,
And over and over you cry:
That you’ve been left alone
To suffer until you die.

Those voices are not your thoughts,
But the whispers of darkest hell.
Despite what your friends may think,
You’re alive, but you’re not well.

I gave my life for you.
I know that you do not believe.
I see what you hold in your hand;
I feel the pain you’ll try to relieve.

Every time I reach for you-
Heal your wounds with my touch
You never can accept
That One could love you this much.

And here I stand right now,
And I hold you as you cry.
Though you do not love your life
I will not let you die.

Eternally Faithful,

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