The OPEN PAGE is a blog written by teens in Mariposa County, located in the Western Sierra Mountains of Central California. Please include your full name and age with your submission.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

2006 Teen Express Poetry Anthology "Part 2"


By Hector Joel MartinBig, wonderful with a good view
They tell me that you have good food
They tell me that you and I are good friends
I can see the sunset from a plaza
I can smell your food from a distance
when I’m hungry

Somebody told me that you have
a beautiful river
I hear the air singing
I hear the river flow

You have beautiful girls in town
You have the best pizza that I ever tasted
in my life
I can see your beautiful park
I can see the workers singing happy

I can hear the music made by
musicians from a plaza
They tell me you have a big,
wonderful church in town


By Krystal Jones

Cheese can be yummy,
Always delicious
Usually colorful
Sometimes smelly

It is a snack,
A meal,
A treat,

Shape shifting
And uplifting.


By Toni Miller

The smog in the air,
The violence on the streets,
The trash on the ground,
The street I lived on,

The house I once owned,
Is now a stranger to us all,
The place my brother lives,
Is a quiet little place,
My friends are only memories,
What we did was fun,

They no longer remember me,
For I am not the same one,
The cries I cry,

Is not because of hurt,
But because I want to go back.


By Elaine Leighton

Waving at the Earth
From the field of Space
Grinning like a fool.
Picking up stars
For God’s bouquet.

Dancing on Neptune,
Or one of its moons.
I can’t remember which.
Swimming in a cloud sea,
Looking for celestial bees.

Grabbing galaxies,
Cosmic fireball in my hand
Or maybe just a spare basketball.

One on one game,
Me and God playing
On a spare court
At the edge the Milky Way.


By Katie Morphew

Why does the pain and suffering hurt so bad?
Why do the secrets make me mad?
Does it truly subside?
Or do I just uphold a lie?

A mystery will remain a mystery unless found
I will wander and get lost,
forever in my mind to be bound.
Searching for the answers deep within,

only to find a pit that I am in.

I truly thought that you were Mr.Right,
only to feel my heart getting tight.
All the images in my mind,
fog my eyes and make me blind.

When you talk all I hear is a lie,
which surrounds my world and makes it die.

Your words mean nothing to me now,
but all I can ask is how?
How did my false judgment
get the best of me?


By Sara Hawksley

Hot sand stinging the bottom
of your bare feet.
Cool ocean waves luring you closer,
welcoming you to cool off
from the summer heat.
Sun shining down on you,
burning your shoulders and nose.
Lying on the sand while you
squish the sand
between your toes.
Vendors bothering you
to let them braid your hair,
but it’s summer time
so you don’t even care.
Then the sun goes down,
ending your summer.
And you think to yourself,
“Boy what a bummer!”

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