Picture and Story Contest

Do you have a favorite photo or piece of artwork? If so, enter it in the Open Page Picture and Story contest. Submit a favorite drawing, painting or photo and tell us about it in 100 words or less. You can email your picture and story to karen.dusek@sjvls.org or submit it to the Mariposa County Library. Be sure to include your name, age, address and phone number. Entries will be judged on quality and originality of the picture and story. You must be a Mariposa County resident between the ages of 12 and 18 to enter. All work must be your own. Entry deadline is July 31, 2006. Grand prize is a 5" portable black and white TV with AM/FM radio. Other prizes include books from the Harry Potter series, $10 Barnes and Noble gift card, and two $5 gift cards from the Mariposa Fruit and Nut Company. Everyone who enters will receive a prize!
(Computer display in photo is not a prize.)
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