Enna, the Christian Witness
A short story by Sarah Sizemore
There was a small Christian family, who had a teenage daughter named Enna, who had some hard times. Her class at school had a writing contest. The students who won would be able to go to camp. So, Enna decided to write a Christian story about her childhood. The very next day, she turned it in. After school, she got sent to the principal. The principal handed her a card. When Enna got home, she read the card, and she won!

Enna asked the girl, "What's wrong?"
The girl answered, " My daddy sent me away to this camp."
Enna replied, "I've been to this camp a hundred times. Maybe I could show you around. My name's Enna Blakson. What's your's?"
"My name's Lucy Nelson."
They took an hour tour, then went back to the bench. Something popped into Enna's mind, then she said it: "Are you a Christian believer?"
"No. My family isn't either," Lucy replied.
"May I tell you how you can become a believer?"
"Go ahead, if you like".
Enna read the Bible to her for an hour, then told her how to be saved. They prayed The Sinners Prayer.
Two weeks later, Lucy's parents came to pick her up. Enna told them that she showed Lucy how to become a Christian. They stood there for a second, then asked how they could become Christians. Enna read the whole Bible to them, then showed them how can they be saved. They finally finished praying when Enna had to leave for home. When Enna arrived at home, she told her parents what happened at camp. Enna decided to write an essay about what she did at camp.
Enna's birthday was coming up. Her mom said she could invite three friends and one family over. She chose her three best friends and Lucy Nelson's family.

Two years later, while Enna was in college, Lucy got a really bad cancer. She had already had it for one year. Enna got word that Lucy passed away while opening Christmas presents on Christmas Day. Enna cared that her friend died. She was sad at heart but didn't show it. She knew Lucy was going to be with her Heavenly Father. (To be continued...)
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