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Friday, April 11, 2008

Worm and Butterfly by Judy J. Hanson

There once was a worm all safe, snug and warm
Inside a cocoon shielded from harm.
One day it awoke feeling not quite “up to par”.
Yawning and stretching from near to far.
It was then that it noticed two bumps that were growing.
It needed to investigate so it could be knowing
Just what was up there. When on his back there was a flutter
Bigger bumps had appeared. This caused him to studder!
He spun his head around to see about those things.
Why, underneath those two b-b-big bumps were some
b-b-beautiful wings!
“Oh No!” said the worm now quite in a ponder.
“Do I stay here all safe? Or do I wander
Out in a strange world where I may not be happy?”
A decision is needed and it better be snappy!
It thought for awhile about the things it might miss.
Like the roar of the ocean,
the sun’s warm, yellow kiss,
The green grass of summer,
The sweet flowers in spring,
The fresh smell of rain drops,
and may more things…
It knew of these things but only in its mind’s eye.
So it took the BIG step and decided to Fly!
It spread those new wings, saw how strong they could be
Ventured out into the open to see what it could see.
The cocoon was in pieces falling down to the ground.
Leaving the worm exposed to new sights and sound.
It was rather surprised it felt comfort and ease.
The big world wasn’t that scary, why look at those trees!
Now in just a very short time, I can soar to the top,
See the world from that view and discover a place
That the rest of you knew
would be so safe, warm, fuzzy and fine.
A place I would love and cherish as mine.
So now you will know when you see in the sky
A butterfly flying you’ll know just why,
It decided to leave the cocoon safe and warm
Where it felt so secure, shielded from harm.
Cause it wanted to know about other places,
See the smiles on our lips and the look on our faces,
When we realized that what once was a Worm
Has taken the chance and made the right turn
To become all it could be, spread its wings,
dare to fly and is now the most
beautiful, brave

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