The OPEN PAGE is a blog written by teens in Mariposa County, located in the Western Sierra Mountains of Central California. Please include your full name and age with your submission.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

by Juanita Vigil

You wonder who you are
For so long you've been a lie.
The only reality left-
Are the very tears you cry.

"I'm sorry" they all said.
But you knew they did not care.
And the moment you stopped laughing
They were no longer there.

You may fear the darkness,
But it is the light that you still flee.
The pain is so blinding now
That you can no longer see.

You pray it is not real.
But you feel it is too late.
You sit amidst the silence
Of your misery and self-hate.

You see through a haze of shame,
But you see another soul.
Trapped in the very demons
To whom you passed control.

You long to rescue them.
But the distance is too much.
And how can you touch a life
When you yourself cannot be touched?

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