The OPEN PAGE is a blog written by teens in Mariposa County, located in the Western Sierra Mountains of Central California. Please include your full name and age with your submission.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Celebration of Life by Geneva Callegari

A subtle hint of first light
heralds the coming dawn
and with salient stealth
creeps across the eiderdown

Disturbing the pattern of brain wave
where dreams hold sway
and stealing away the night
to present a fresh day

A reluctant stirring of senses
and sudden awareness of the gift
what joy to view the morning light
the pulse of life full tilt

What joy, though aching bones protest
Will this one be like all the rest?
no, pure and untarnished yet
no bitter dregs of sad regret

What gift to offer in return?
What promises to keep
fulfilled at sunset, satisfied
praise be no call to weep

A virgin mountain to climb
with body and with spirit
The song of life can still be heard
with all who will to hear it

Oh not to waken on the morrow
With deeds undone and words unsaid
with bridges burned, no turning back
the hands of time for what we lack
and regret the loss with profound sorrow
of yesterday that’s dead

For a day in time, no greater treasure
so pay the debt in fullest measure
For the day is lost, we find in shock
in measured minutes counted by the clock

This day may be the last
for time is passing fast
So fling the window open wide
and bid the morning come inside

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