The OPEN PAGE is a blog written by teens in Mariposa County, located in the Western Sierra Mountains of Central California. Please include your full name and age with your submission.

Friday, April 11, 2008

My Cat by d. chaney

Pitter patter, Pitter patter
Pitter, pitter, pat
Velvet paws gliding silent
Leaping on my lap.

Arms outstretched, claws extent
Kneading me like dough
Piston action back and forth
Purring softly, slow.

Begging, pleading for a pet
Standing on back toes
Sidling up to nudge my face
Kiss upon my nose.

Stroking, stroking head to tail
Purring double time
Like a motor revving up
In ecstasy and rhyme.

So euphoric is my cat
Curled upon my lap
Gently purring as he sleeps
Contented little nap!

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