The OPEN PAGE is a blog written by teens in Mariposa County, located in the Western Sierra Mountains of Central California. Please include your full name and age with your submission.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Poetry Month

Calling All Poets/Artists/Writers
Poets, writers, artists, photographers and song writers of all ages are invited to submit their work for display at the Mariposa County Library during the month of April, which has been designated National Poetry Month. The work will later be bound into a 2008 anthology, and each contributor will receive a copy. This year, a contest is also being held to select a title and cover artwork for the anthology. The winners will each be awarded a prize of a $25 gift certificate to Windows on the World Book Store in Mariposa.
The deadline to submit contributions to the anthology and the cover contest is Wednesday, April 30 at 5 p.m. Winners will be announced on May 5. Content must be original and suitable for all age levels to be considered. Written work, including short stories, memoirs, poems and songs, should be limited to 500 words and preferably submitted either by e-mail or on floppy disk or CD, although neatly hand written material will also be accepted. Scanned artwork is preferred; however, original pieces up to 11"x17" will be accepted, as well as photographs of original 3-dimensional art. For more information or to submit contributions, contact Katie Hertfelder at or 209-966-2140.

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